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 Brine Aegir Topic 2023

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2 posters

Male Number of posts : 21
Age : 19
Location : In my room doing cool stuff
Post Points : 1412
Registration date : 2021-05-10

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Brine Aegir Topic 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Brine Aegir Topic 2023   Brine Aegir Topic 2023 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 05, 2023 1:44 am

Hello, Blizzard Blade Family. I, Phazer, the second to last surviving TLOK fan and ONLY surviving Brine Aegir fan, return to this graceful tundra to give my input on His Majesty Nergal's best general.

To start, his voice. I imagine General Aegir having a british accent, almost sounding like a pirate (but not with his speech). Perhaps Keith Silverstein could do it justice? I liked his portrayal as Speedwagon in the JJBA Part 1 English dub.

Secondly, I shall pose some questions. What element does Brine Aegir possess? As an Angelis, his animal appendage is a light blue crab (lobster?) claw. He should've also had an element assigned to him like all other Angeli. Since this general is looking for the Ice Blades specifically, it would make sense to try and hunt down the Soul Blade that corresponds with your element, that being Ice. But, I also think that Brine could very well be a Water Angelis, referencing crabs living at seas. Water could also relate to his name, as Brine's old name used to be "McKraken", krakens being giant sea monsters. "Brine" also refers to salty water. These are my guesses and I would like to hear a definite answer on what Element did Brine have.

My other question is: How would his claw taste if I cooked it?

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Male Number of posts : 427
Age : 28
Location : Somewhere awaiting something of interest
Post Points : 6195
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Race:: Human
Element:: Dark
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Brine Aegir Topic 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brine Aegir Topic 2023   Brine Aegir Topic 2023 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 13, 2023 10:34 pm

Hey there its been a good while since i paid a visit here. Cool to see you still giving life to good old Korah
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