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 The New Rules

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Snow Taradien
Snow Taradien

Female Number of posts : 1600
Age : 31
Location : On the Scarred wasteland that is Terrago.
Post Points : 8024
Registration date : 2008-11-26

Character Profile
Race:: Angelis
Element:: Dark
Member Points: 0

The New Rules Empty
PostSubject: The New Rules   The New Rules Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2014 9:25 am

The new government is starting. As such there are new rules.

1.) Do not provoke other members needlessly. (No flaming.) This will absolutely not be tolerated. Discussion is allowed but intentionally inciting issues or harassment IS a bannable offense.

2.) No stealing any body's ideas, sprites, or animations.

3.) No spam outside the spam section, that's what that section is for.

4.) Please refrain from posting IRL gore or anything that breaks the TOS and AUP of Forummotion. Barring that, everything else is fair game.

5.) You will NOT post personal information of others here. This is an immediately bannable offense.

6.) No posting spoilers of any kind for a book, TV show, etc., without using the spoiler tag. Everyone hates that.

7.) No signing up just for the sake of advertising purposes.

8.) No alternate accounts.

9.) No images in signatures above 500 X 500 Pixels.

10.) Don't make organized topics for spamming/raiding other forums.

11.) Don't post flashy animated pictures that can cause seizures.

12.) Don't advertise to other members through PMs. If you have something to show off, please make a topic in spam.

13.) Do not embed flash in your sig or anywhere else that does anything without user consent.

14.) Special ranks are given by admins only. Do not ask for them.

15.) Feel free to submit ideas, but do not spam us with them. If we like them we may incorporate them, however bear in mind if they become part of the series you thereby relinquish ownership of it.

16.) No abuse of your ability to post as a non-member in the spam section. The non-member posting is left open in case someone finds themselves unable to join, or is having an issue with their account or the system, and they cannot access the account by themselves and require moderator or admin assistance.
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