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 Marsus Three

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Snow Taradien
Snow Taradien

Female Number of posts : 1600
Age : 31
Location : On the Scarred wasteland that is Terrago.
Post Points : 7947
Registration date : 2008-11-26

Character Profile
Race:: Angelis
Element:: Dark
Member Points: 0

Marsus Three Empty
PostSubject: Marsus Three   Marsus Three Icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2011 2:45 am

Hey there!

This is a slice of life casual sandbox roleplay set on a planet called Marsus Three.
It's part of the vast and mighty lupin empire which will not show up very often if ever at all!
While this is indeed a whole planet, its probably best if we only use the eastern continent of the planet, as it is far easier to manage the roleplay if we keep to only one of the two massive sections of the planet. There is a third but unimportant southern continent too but its mostly boring farms. IF however this rp becomes popular I'll expand to include the rest of the planet, and eventually the rest of the universe.

Marsus Three (east) is a socialism centric society with strong anti-business politics. The people are mostly cold, corrupt and uncontrollble. Considering most of Marsus Three (East) is in constant turmoil due to black market and slave trades, its hard to believe there are pockets of society where things are not in constant power struggles. With the governmental powers nigh crippled, and no police to speak of, most of the continent has become a terrible kill or be killed anarchy. There is only one place in the eastern continent that is not anarchy, which is the capital city, aptly named Marsus. The government buildings are all here, and the area is heavily militarized.
The world in general is a multicultural world that looks like 1970’s earth with a diesel-punk motif. A large and industrial based world made mostly of industrial zones and suburbia-esque residential zones. Amidst the large factory dominated cityscapes there are smaller pockets of living space where there are a few shops and usually one large supply store per town, where groceries and other things essential and not can be found. While no permit is needed to open a new store, the permit to own the land is difficult to obtain and very often there are no stores save for the supply store. In the largest city there is a mall, the only one on the planet. It is massive and in fact it is debatable whether it is a mall at all or a city-oriented bazaar.
The southern continent on the western hemisphere of the planet is covered mostly in farmland, and is one of the only places left that is in majority still covered in vegetation.
There is what remains of a rainforest on the north eastern continent, and there are similar forests on many islands in the largest ocean on the planet. Unfortunately these islands are nigh impossible to reach due to difficult currents.
It isn’t to say that there is nothing natural left. In between large settlements there are even larger gaps of literally nothing. In these spaces is either uncultivated land or uniformed forests that were replanted after over deforestation over 200 years prior.
The planet has two moons, while one is less of a moon and more of the strangest anomaly. The little world, a small planetoid in orbit of this planet is inhabited by many different species. Since it had been isolated from the other planet’s people for so long the peoples of either world are drastically different, but share many of the same plants. The people from the little world are much taller, and due to a decreased gravity environment are rather weak comparatively.

You will start off in Weston, an immoral and corrupt industrial wasteland of a suburb with many homeless, jobless drifters who have been ignored by the government. Rape, muggings, and random gang violence are all commonly seen things in this area.

You have a home on O'delle Crescent. All roleplayers begin here, you may later move out to a better place for a better standard of living.

The roleplay will start when two people respond with character sheets.

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